Each group conducted research and then passed the research off to another group to use to develop a home good and produce at least 10 of them. My partner and I were given research that focused around playing together, drinking together, and inter-generational culture. We decided to base our project of the latter.
Product Description: Surround is a tabletop serving centerpiece designed to bring together people from all generations around meals and music. This retro home good is made from reclaimed wood, reclaimed vinyl records, and recyclable materials to keep the party alive for ages. Surround features scannable QR codes for a collaborative album where friends can add songs to play and listen. Spotify song codes unique to each record offer an explorative experience. From Crosley to Audio-Technica, each Surround is laser engraved with one of 5 unique designs from real turntables. Share your unique musical tastes and pass the salt and pepper with this rotating vinyl record surface.

Materials: Reclaimed pallet wood (likely pine), thermoplastic polyurethane filament (TPU), stainless steel hardware, medium density fiberboard (MDF), reclaimed vinyl records, polyurethane wood finish, acrylic paint, wool blend felt, sticker paper.

Yellow felt pad based on the 45 adapter for record players was installed to prevent further scratching or damage to vinyls
This project spanned the course of the semester starting with research and ending with a year end sale. WE had to make 10 of the same home good with a budget of $100 and sell seven. one was set aside to be graded and two were given to each myself and my partner. WE ended up selling out at the winter market of the course of two hours and made $420.

Poster used at the winter market
WE made 10 surrounds. WE had 5 unique laser engraved record player designs based off their real life counterpart. WE developed 2 different 3D printed leg designs which resulted 10 completely unique surrounds.